Ignite and Implement Workshop Testimonial
Thank you Bruce for sharing with us and also getting a copy of Profit Domination Book!
Thank you Bruce for sharing with us and also getting a copy of Profit Domination Book!
You can’t miss this! You absolutely cannot miss an opportunity that WILL change your business and will change you…for the better! Whether your business is an idea, it’s limping along or it’s going strong, it can always be bigger, better, stronger. What I am going snake about? Last year I had a small business. I […]
I lOVE to look at the past year in my rear view mirror. Not because I am glad it is over but rather to see all the great things I did, that I accomplished and even the things I didn’t do as well as I wanted to. I am a big believer in Change. Life […]
HI everyone, Odette Laurie here from Women On Top. I wanted to share this amazing story with you. Believe it or not our budding babes really do listen to us! Yes, it’s true! OMG! Amazing! Shocking! Kids these days (oh do I ever sound like my mother, yikes) have their own language and it’s similar […]
I know, I know, writing a blog can be soooo boring. Writing a blog every day, like I am doing, can be treacherous! Painful! But I am sitting here, by the fire with a glass of wine, dinner in the oven, kids doing their thing. My feet are up on the table, I have exercised, […]
I have been asked once or twice, ok maybe ten or eleven, what is it that keeps me motivated or moving forward. I really had to ponder that for a while and then I realized it was a simple answer. I am 100% committed to my dream, my vision and my mission in life. I […]
I have been asked once or twice, ok maybe ten or eleven, what is it that keeps me motivated or moving forward. I really had to ponder that for a while and then I realized it was a simple answer. I am 100% committed to my dream, my vision and my mission in life. I am committed […]
I am back from almost 2 weeks on the road and what an exciting time it was! I spoke at what had to be one of the most amazing events I have ever been to; Shut Up, Stop Whining and Make Money. 300 people gathered for 3 days with celebrity speaker, TV host and best […]
I say make a New Year’s Revolution. If you are dreaming big, you might as well be doing big. When you think about it, if the average life expectancy is 80.4 years (in Canada), shave off 5 years for health, slowing down, or whatever life throws at you (and yes I know some of us […]
Check out this article that was recently featured in Balance My Life. Visit their site at to see my other articles and all of the resources that are offered. http://balancemylife.ca/?s=odette If you do anything in 2013 to rock it out in your business and in your life, do these 5 things and do them well! […]
Woo hoo! 2013 is finally here! What a year 2012 was. How was your year? What are you looking forward to accomplishing this up and coming year? My name is Odette Laurie and my company is Called Women on Top. I am a business coach for serious entrepreneurs who want to make a difference in […]
Here’s the formula for building a successful business: There is no magic formula to building a successful business. It’s a concoction of desire + determination + hard work + someone to lead the way. You wouldn’t fly a plane or do open heart surgery without learning how, your business is no different. Invest in […]