Q and A: How can I be better than my competition?

Every week I will personally respond to one question received via email or social media. If you send me a question, you do not need to give your name. If you have a question, you are not alone – there are others who want to know the same thing! Please submit your burning question to: clientcare@businesswomenontop.com to participate.


karate-kickQuestion: I hate competition! I don’t feel that I am as good as my competition. How do I beat the competition at their own game and stand out as the ‘go to it’ business? It’s so frustrating, I want to quit. ~ Desperate in TO.


Desperate in TO, you aren’t alone. Almost everyone fears the competition at some point in their business career. But it’s how you are thinking about the competition that is the problem. Competition is an amazing ‘beast’ so to speak. Why?

Here’s why.

Your competition teaches you so much about your industry from what to do to what not to do.

Competition forces us to up level our game including our customer service, product and service quality and delivery of service. Who doesn’t want better quality of product or enhanced customer service?

I encourage all my clients to know their competition better than they know themselves. Research everything about their business including pricing, client list, social media presence, site quality, customer service.

I don’t believe that competition is ever a ‘bad’ thing. It gives us an opportunity to learn and grow and forces us to be better (than ourselves). The world economy is run by competition. You are only afraid when you aren’t certain about your own quality.
That is just an mindset issue and, once tweaked,  can blow them out of the water!

I have a very unique recording of how to deliver the utmost of ‘you’ in your business, how to stand out above the competition and be known as the ‘it business’ to do business with.

Click here to listen to my ‘Create Distinction’ audio.  I will teach you to create distinction, create momentum and make more money in your business so you live an epic life!

Share your comments on the blog so that we can hear what you have to say about ‘them’!


“Odette has empowered me to take charge of my business, increase my client base.  She has supported me to create a strategy for the direction I want to take my business and she has provided the support I need to get there.” ~ Carolyn Dickinson
Carolyn DickinsonCarolyn Dickinson is a Success Coach for Entrepreneurs, the Founder of SuperMom Entrepreneur, a collaborative community that helps dream-chasing women turn their passions into profits while integrating the demands of family life. She is an expert at networking, sales, creating relationships, and elevating others.

Carolyn has over a decade of hands-on experience leading international sales and marketing, and has won several awards in her industry including Top Retailer and Top Leadership with Global Wealth Trade.

She has become an accomplished speaker and event organizer. She also holds an annual “I Am The Boss” Conference which is a training event with networking and collaborative opportunities for women who want to create lifestyle freedom by building their own business.

Based on her strong family values, she believes that anything is possible.  Overcoming many challenges in all aspects of her own life and in finding work, life integration it has given her the passion to support and coach others, in having a powerful mindset that creates the time to make the money you want.  
Carolyn Dickinson, SuperMom Entrepreneur, (www.supermomentrepreneur.com) coaches with Odette in her Profit Domination Mastermind.