I often get asked: How do I get the word out there about my services?
Marketing your business isn’t rocket science, but it does take strategy.
One of the key pieces of your strategy is how your will provide your audience with the information or content you want them to have.
People take in information in three different formats: reading, watching or hearing.
Offering these three different options allows you to ensure that you are reaching everyone in your audience, no matter what their preferred learning style is.

Consider a blog post, for instance. One blog post can be translated into many different messages, in many different forms.You can (and should!) use a variety of media to deliver that same basic message.
Content is an important connection to make with your audience. People get to experience your expertise in several different ways – and you don’t even have to leave your office! And when you do go out there to meet your people, they already know, like and trust you!
This goes even farther … the people in your audience are also the business owners that can:
- support you
- collaborate with you
- joint venture with you
- work together with you
When you are seen, heard and become known as an expert in your field, people will want to do business with you.
Result? You are ‘speaking’ directly to your audience …and everyone is hearing you!

Written (Reading)
Blogging: send out a regular newsletter or ezine, collaborate in a book, post photos to Instagram, write articles, write your own book, Facebook posts, Tweets, post articles on LinkedIn Pulse, submit articles to magazines or newspapers (online or print).
Visual (Watching)
Videos: Quickie 30 second tips, Teaching or Training 5 minutes, Infomercial 3 to 5 minutes, Marketing how-to series of education videos – 20 minutes each (do a series of 3), testimonials from clients and customers, do a regular Blab, Periscope or Facebook Livestream, host other people for interviews and have them host you on video interviews or webinars, get a sizzle reel done with your best work. Post all of your videos to your blog, website and social media.
Audio (Hearing)
Audios: podcasts, radio shows, teleseminars, webinars, workshops. Audio also includes your networking, your sales calls and your follow up – live or on the phone talking with your audience. Discovery calls or strategy calls are also great ways to get your expertise across to people.
Remember our example about the blog post?
So let’s say you are a networking expert. If you write a blog post about your best networking tips, you can repurpose that in a variety of ways:
- Take that blog post and write several social media posts from it.
- Find or create some complementary images that showcase your content and post those with the social media updates.
- Submit your blog post article to the article marketing sites, or publish it on LinkedIn Pulse.
- Record a short video for your website or use Facebook Livestream to showcase your best tips.
- Invite your networking connections to interview you about networking.
- Invite your audience book strategy calls with you to talk about their their problems with networking.
All of these tactics will get the word out about your services.
And you can see how a strategy is really important, so you can maximize the time you spend creating new content – and use it strategically in various places, and using various formats.
Your audience wants to hear from you – get in front of them!
I have a funny story that will show you that Visibility Opportunities are Everywhere (even where you least expect it!). It’s about how I got someunexpected private time with Forbes Riley – a woman that has had 2 billion dollars in sales! (Yes I said 2 BILLION. Opportunities are everywhere. And anywhere. Be sure you are ready! Click here to read the story.)