Excuses are stupid. Stupid is expensive.

“Ok Ma’am, I think we’ve loaded up all your stuff into the truck” said Tony, the guy I hired to help me move out of the house I had called home for three years.

It was June 12th, 2011.

“Let me have one last look around”, I yelled over the clang of the metal door sliding shut, sending shivers down my spine.

Damn, there’s a sound I’ll never forget.

As I walked down the path, past the rose bushes that were in full bloom, to the back yard, memories started flashing in my head like strobe lights at a rock concert.

I looked up at the blue sky and felt the hot sun on my cheeks as each flash of memory brought me to good times, bad times, painful times.

“Mommy are you ready to leave?” yelled my 13-year old daughter Michaela.

Was I ready for a future of so many unknowns?

The day before, on my sister’s 47th birthday, we buried my Mom.

Four months ago we buried my Dad.

Today was the burial of my personal relationship.

Poof, my past and my future, gone, just like that.

If all that wasn’t enough, bearing the weight of my crumbling world on my shoulders I was literally rendered paralyzed in my arms and hands, barely able to move.

“Yes I’m ready”, I said.

After all I had an 8-month old business to take care of.

Fast forward three years.

My life, my business and my arms are functioning at maximum capacity!

So what happened these past 3 years?

I took my baby business and grew her into a multiple 6-figure business in less than 3 years.







I made a decision that changed my life.


I decided that I did not want to live my life in pity, in fear and shroud in excuses.

I was totally in charge of my future and I wasn’t going to let my shitty life circumstances paralyze me anymore.

So I get what it feels like to be stuck – it’s horrible!

But what happens when you don’t do anything about it?

NOTHING. That’s what happens.

I want to invite you to the Experience that will take your business to the top so you get exactly what you want out of life. But it all starts with that decision.

Join us LIVE right here in Toronto on June 12th for the Experience of a lifetime!

Start by clicking here: www.ProfitDominationLiveEvent.com

I know what’s going on in your business and in your head because the same thing was going on for me. Your business isn’t worth s**t if you don’t get results, and we all want results.

And I am all about results. If I can change my life and business around you can too.

I went from broke, paralyzed and scared to death only 3 years ago to crossing that 6-figure line and I’ve been gaining momentum ever since.

Join us: www.ProfitDominationLiveEvent.com

 I believe that excuses are stupid. Stupid is expensive.

How much are yours costing you?

Join in on the experience and register today! www.ProfitDominationLiveEvent.com

All the best,