My mentor David Neagle shared this to our group from the book
“God works through Faith” – Robert A. Russell
- Be expectant, confident, and optimistic.
- Keep your enthusiasm strong; never allow yourself to be discouraged or depressed.
- Charge your mind with interest, enthusiasm, ambition.
- Keep your ambition and aspiration high; cultivate patience and perseverance.
- Keep your imagination centered in what you want and keep your faith moving toward it.
- Keep your consciousness expanding, growing, and moving to higher levels.
- Be positive in your thought, feeling, and action.
- Accentuate the positive in every situation. Never allow yourself to dwell upon misery, sickness, operations, symptoms, reverses, misfortunes, or bad luck.
Never depreciate, criticize, minimize, or speak disparagingly of your self. Never dwell upon your mistakes. Think always of yourself as growing, expanding, and becoming more efficient, resourceful and dynamic.
- Look for the good in everything and everybody. Refuse to recognize anything but the good.
- Seek the best of everything and know that your mind will produce it.
- Think in large terms. The more you expect, the more your faith will bring to you.
- Convince your mind that what you seek is already here, that it is yours now.
- Train your mind to think in terms of abundance; never allow it to dwell upon lack or limitation in any form.
- Stimulate your faculties and talents by increasing your demands upon them.
- When you meet trouble of any kind, refuse to be worried or disturbed by it. Know that you are bigger than any adverse thing that happens to you and you have the power to overcome it.
- Meet every problem with the conviction that it is already solved. See it as an opportunity to prove God.
- Face every difficulty with courage, strength, and fortitude; determined to turn it to good account.
- Know that you have the power to adjust anything, change anything, correct anything, overcome anything, or subdue anything.
- Act always with the Truth; and never allow yourself to compromise with evil. If the Truth is to make you free, you must rely upon it. You must pass from belief to trust.
- Believe the unbelievable. God goes all out for you when you go all out for God.